Debbie the hungarian lady

32 bar Reel for two couples in a four couple set
Devised by Vilmos Bagoly, 2018

The full description of the dance is in our book: The second - A reel Goulash

This dance in SCDDB: see here

Debbie the Hungarian Lady

32 bar reel for two couples in a four couple longwise set

 1- 8  1st and 2nd couples set and link ; 
       1st couple dance half a figure of eight round 2nd couple (2,1x)
 9-16  2nd and 1st couples dance a ladies chain (2,1x)
17-24  2nd and 1st couples dance half rights and lefts (1,2x) ;
       2nd couple dance half figure of eight round 1st couple and both couples finish 
       in the middle facing partners with both hands joined (1,2)
25-32  1st and 2nd couples dance a poussette (2,1)

Diagram of the dance

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